Thanks Alberto Rubio for his unconditional help as well as his devotion to the breed.
Thanks to Juan Weber and Rosa Marín for the fruitful work they are doing with our dogs in the field of RCI since they are the ones responsible for the Giant Schnauzer’s success in the sports working trials on a national level.
Our appreciation goes to all the judges at the shows and championships who following their criteria have (or have not) given awards to our dogs.
And thanks to Francisco Agudo who provided us with our first female show dog Ch. Atenea de la Sierra Malacitana and later with her mother Ubre de Pichera since they were the beginning of our short history in the world of Schnauzers.
We must also mention César Alonso, Juan Manuel Cobos, José Vicente (Copertal), Benjamín Galisteo (Mister Flynn), Luis Llin (Lordship’s), Sergio and Carment (Los descaraos) and Laura Majo (Unjedi) to whom we are thankful for their highly esteemed advice and opinions in the most difficult moments, which have not been few.
Thanks to Javier Sánchez, a judge specialized in Schnauzers who brought the breed to Spain, for the confidence in us when importing our dog Ch. Refrain Against Wind from Finland.
Thanks to Francisco Javier, owner of Ch. Johnnie Walker de Pomerland, for letting me take his friend and companion to Mexico, since this dog has been our best exponent on the other side of the Atlantic.
Thanks to José Iglesias (Kabluna) for sharing his canine knowledge with us and helping us from the very first moment when we met.
Thanks to José Carlos Bernardos (Karraces) for his friendship and valued participation in the canine world in Spain. His success in Spain and abroad has made him an example to follow.
Thanks to José R. García for his impeccable work and dedication to this web page of which we are very proud. He is responsible for making the Pomerland Kennel known on an international level through this website. Thanks for your work and above all for your friendship.
Thanks to Gayle Enloe for her great job and dedication in translating our web page into English.
Thanks to all our followers as well as to our most bitter detractors for their support and/or criticism that inspire us to perseveringly continue our work with more and more eagerness and enthusiasm.
My heartfelt gratitude to all of you.